Friday, January 9, 2015


Disappointment is not a fun thing to deal with. It can come at any time, often when you're least expecting it. If you have high standards, you are more likely to be disappointed. This is very true. I try to keep myself to a certain level of excitement, so if the plans don't happen, I am not too disappointed. However, sometimes you can't help but become overly excited and that’s when disappointment hits the hardest. 
     Literature sometimes has the tendency to disappoint. Endings to stories, poetry and other works of literature can be disappointing at times. You start to read a short story, for example, and you begin to imagine what the ending might be like. The events that occur in the story all point one way, but then you read the ending and it is the complete opposite. I get mad when this happens. I often find myself talking out loud and getting extremely annoyed by the ending. Each piece of literature I read, I try to anticipate the ending. It is a fun way of staying involved in the story and keeps me interested. 
     Movies can be disappointing as well. Not just the endings, but also the movie as a whole can sometimes disappoint me. Before going to see a movie for the first time, I tend to look at the reviews online and see what other people thought of it. Most of the time I don't agree with the reviews anyway, but I still like to know other opinions of the film. When watching films, like reading literature, I like to try to guess how the film will end. This does sometimes lead to disappointment, however, when my guess is correct, I feel a great sense of accomplishment. Watching film is one of my favorite things to do in my spare time. Disappointment comes with the territory sometimes, but what’s life without risk?
     I am no stranger to disappointment. The best way to overcome it is to think positively and move past it as quickly as possible. Life isn't that bad and when you look at the bigger picture, being disappointed every now and again isn't that big of a deal. 

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